Saturday, February 13, 2010

New Scanner!!

Our Lexmark Printer/Scanner seemed to be having a problem a couple weeks ago. Then I noticed my tweezers were AWOL from the bathroom. After posting a memo for them to be returned, my husband admitted to using them to work on the Printer/Scanner. Turns out he ended up breaking it beyond the fixing point…. Not that I was too upset since I had been eyeing a new scanner! I went with the Epson Artisan 810 series. I LOVE the quality of scans and the extremely fast scan time.

Posted below is a picture shown at the old scan quality of 600 dpi and then scanned at 4800 dpi.

600 dpi
 4800 dpi

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas from all of us! We stayed home and after opening all the gifts, I got to sit down and scrap... which was a great bonus since we did not go anywhere. I was reading the Creative Memories blog and one of the writers was talking about the 3D filter. I have not played around with the filters very much. I love the way this adds depth to my page. The wording looks like it has been written on with puff paint!

Merry Christmas!

This is a "before"... I added the 3D filter to the upper border and wording...

Tis the season where we tend to overload ourselves with bunches of holiday pictures. I've been scanning pictures from my Grandma's attic and while they are willy-nilly in organization... they are abundant with Family Christmas! There is no time like the present to get those pictures scrapped or organized into albums.

Happy Scrapping!

~ My pages and embellishments are designed with and in Creative Memories Storybook 3.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Big Time Uh-Oh

During the last long drawn out rotation, I decided to give my computer a little pick me up with a shot of caffiene. Needless to say the computer is not happy about this. I have shorted out the keyboard and DVD burner, but thankfully not my hard drives!

Fortunately I start my vacation and can spend the next few weeks moving everything to our other laptop. This is going to be a tedious project since I can only use a mouse and flash drive. I have been contemplating changing over to an apple/mac computer and now I can give that some serious thought!

I hope everyone has a very Happy Holiday!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Doug's Heritage Album

These are some of the pages from the heritage album I made for my husband. This was truly a labor of love and took me a long time to finish. It is my first completed large project. I learned a few things as I was working on this. First off, you can edit the pre-designed pages to your heart's content. I would look through the designs of pictures and find a page that fit with the pictures I wanted to use on that page. Then I would change the background, elements, fonts, and quotes to make the page what I visualized. This cut down seriously on the amount of time I would spend working on each page... it seems for me that the hardest part of creating the page was getting the photos just right. Secondly, it is ok to leave off for a while and then go back. When I got impatient and just wanted it to be done, I often found myself re-doing those pages next time I sat down to work on it. I learned to take some time and if necessary stop for a while. And finally, this is truly a relaxing outlet. Letting myself enjoy the time looking through pictures and working with them has given me a great way to cope with stress from the outside world. I can sit down with a glass of Diet Pepsi and just immerse myself into my project.

I ordered this as an 8X8 album. I chose the customized cover with photo window in soft cover and I ended up with 31 pages.

This is the Front and Back of the Cover:

These are an assortment of pages from his book:

Welcome to my Digital Expressions

I have been a digital scrapbooker for a while now. It is the perfect outlet for my obsessive compulsion for perfection! With all those cute little paper do-dads, I would get sidetracked and never seemed to be able to complete a page. And then there was the quest for perfectly written witty comments with an elegantly placed script. Yep, not for me at all. Then one day a lady I work with showed me the light. I can cut, paste, crop, color, write to my hearts content. If I look at it tomorrow and decide that something needs changed, it is just a mouse click away. No more ordering 30 prints of a picture, just to achieve the grandest crop of all. If my lighting is off, wa-la point and click it to just the desired hue.

With that said, I use mostly Creative Memories software. It is pretty close to Adobe Photoshop but much less expensive. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

PS - Some patience on the uploads. I'm fairly new to blogging and have to figure out how to get my pages loaded!!